

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Technology-Infused Classroom

     If you were asked to describe a typical classroom about 20 years ago, how would it be described? The classroom would include a chalkboard and student desks aligned in rows. The teacher may have stood in the front of the room at a podium or the chalkboard to give a lecture on the day’s lesson. Fast forward a few years and the classrooms gradually evolved. The chalkboards were replaced with whiteboards and the teacher may have used an overhead projector to aid the lecture. The student desks may have been arranged in groups instead of rows. The lesson was still delivered through lecture.

     As technology has advanced through the years it has led to an increase in technology usage in the classroom. Teachers began to have at least one computer in the classroom for their own use and then maybe one or two computers available for student use. Computer labs were added to school campuses where teachers could take an entire class to complete computer related assignments. Technology is no longer limited to or thought to be a desktop computer.

     The current classrooms now may include an interactive whiteboard, such as a Promethean Board or SMART Board. Teachers use projectors for lesson presentations using programs such as PowerPoint, Keynote or Prezi. Video clips found on the Internet can be shown to engage students and enhance the lessons being taught. Students have access to tablet PCs, laptops or other mobile devices in the classroom. Teachers use applications such as Edmodo, Moodle, or Blackboard to communicate information to students. Teachers can quickly assess students by using a mobile device with an application like Plickers.

     In my own classroom I have a SMART Board, projector and laptop. Most of the students have school issued laptops. I create and use interactive SMART Notebooks and PowerPoint presentations to present lessons. I embed video clips found on the Internet into my presentations that will engage my students and enhance the lesson. I would like to use Edmodo next school year with my students for assignments and communication. As I learn more about technology through my courses, I plan to continue the infusion of technology into my classroom.

Image References:

Teacher [Online image]. Retrieved May 27, 2015 from

Futuresource Tracks All Digital Classroom Products [Online image]. Retrieved May 27, 2015 from

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