

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Visual Literacy & Internet in the Classroom

     The focus of this week’s discussion was visual literacy and the impact of Internet in teaching and student learning. Both provide benefits to enhance student learning and help keep them engaged in their learning. Students need more than traditional lectures for learning. The use of visuals and the Internet are an important part of 21st Century Learning.
     Prior to this week I had not realized that I have consistently implemented visual literacy in my lessons. One strategy I often use is showing my students video clips I find through websites such as Discovery Learning or PBS Learning Media. It can be a brief video clip that helps capture a students’ attention or provides an additional explanation of the concepts that are being taught. My students love the animated videos found on BrainPop and enjoy completing the quizzes as an entire class. Visual strategies greatly benefit a student that is a visual learner and impacts all learners. Teachers can use technology tools such as interactive boards, projectors and document cameras to present information to students. As a Math teacher visuals are used daily in my classroom. I use my SMARTBoard, ELMO and projector daily in my classroom.
     The Internet can also play a beneficial role in classrooms. Teachers must be sure that parameters are set for Internet usage and most importantly that students understand digital citizenship. Websites such as Edmodo can provide teachers with a platform to communicate with students via the Internet and provide an alternative method for delivering information to students. Currently, the Internet does not play a large role in my classroom. In the future I would like to create Edmodo classes for my students or have my students create an online journal to share any misunderstandings that may have about the concepts being taught. An online journal can provide my students that are hesitant to ask for help another way share their concerns. I would like the Internet to become a tool that my students can use effectively to enhance their learning experience.

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